International Journal of Control, Vol.92, No.12, 2886-2898, 2019
Distributed adaptive leader-following tracking control of networked Lagrangian systems with unknown control directions under undirected/directed graphs
This paper addresses the leader-following consensus problem of networked Lagrangian systems with unknown control directions and uncertain dynamics. For undirected graphs and directed graphs, two types of distributed control protocols are proposed without assuming that the leader's position information is linearly parameterised. It is proven that all signals in the closed-loop system are bounded, and a leader-following consensus can be achieved with the proposed corresponding protocols. These protocols are distributed in the sense that the control input for each Lagrangian system is solely based on local relative position and velocity information from its neighbourhood set and does not require additional information, e.g. acceleration or observer information of its neighbours, thus avoiding the dead-loop problem and reducing the communication burden. Simulations on networked two-link revolute joint arms are given to validate the theoretical findings.