Petroleum Chemistry, Vol.59, No.9, 1017-1022, 2019
Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Physicochemical and Catalytic Properties of Rhodium-Chitosan/HTsVM Catalysts in Dimethyl Ether Conversion to Lower Olefins
Effect of ultrasonic treatment (UT) on the catalytic and textural properties of composite catalyst systems based on zeolite HTsVM modified with rhodium and chitosan has been studied. The introduction of a rhodium-chitosan composite and UT have a significant effect on the catalytic properties of the zeolite catalyst in the conversion of dimethyl ether (DME) to lower olefins by providing a substantial increase in the catalyst activity; the effect is attributed to a more finely dispersed distribution of rhodium over the catalyst surface. Using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), it has been first shown that UT leads to a decrease in the rhodium particle size and a finely dispersed distribution of Rh over the surface of the zeolite catalyst.
Keywords:composite zeolite catalysts;chitosan;rhodium;dispersed distribution of active component;ultrasonic treatment;dimethyl ether;lower olefins