Nature, Vol.576, No.7787, 433-+, 2019
Molecular heterogeneity drives reconfigurable nematic liquid crystal drops
With few exceptions(1-3), polydispersity or molecular heterogeneity in matter tends to impede self-assembly and state transformation. For example, shape transformations of liquid droplets with monodisperse ingredients have been reported in equilibrium(4-7) and non-equilibrium studies(8,9), and these transition phenomena were understood on the basis of homogeneous material responses. Here, by contrast, we study equilibrium suspensions of drops composed of polydisperse nematic liquid crystal oligomers (NLCOs). Surprisingly, molecular heterogeneity in the polydisperse drops promotes reversible shape transitions to a rich variety of non-spherical morphologies with unique internal structure. We find that variation of oligomer chain length distribution, temperature, and surfactant concentration alters the balance between NLCO elastic energy and interfacial energy, and drives formation of nematic structures that range from roughened spheres to 'flower' shapes to branched filamentous networks with controllable diameters. The branched structures with confined liquid crystal director fields can be produced reversibly over areas of at least one square centimetre and can be converted into liquid crystal elastomers by ultraviolet curing. Observations and modelling reveal that chain length polydispersity plays a crucial role in driving these morphogenic phenomena, via spatial segregation. This insight suggests new routes for encoding network structure and function in soft materials.