Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol.40, No.17-18, 1498-1510, 2019
Analysis of Temperature and Gas Flow Distribution in Chamber with Wafer Batch
Wafer temperature distribution and gas flow inside a tube of a chemical vapor;deposition chamber, which is a semiconductor fabrication equipment, were analyzed. The control volume was assumed to be a two-dimensional space, and calculation program was developed based on a MATLAB code. The program is divided into two parts - heat transfer and gas flow analyses. The results of the calculation and the temperature test agreed well with each other. Heat loss was observed at both ends of the wafer batch, and gas convection momentum was not;enough for the flow to invade into the wafer spacing. Thus, the flow rate and the temperature of the wafer needed to be increased to make the film thickness uniform. To increase the wafer temperature, the radiation adiabatic pedestal was considered. Low emissivity made the pedestal almost adiabatic, which increased the temperature of the wafer batch. To increase the flow rate in the wafer spacing, the eccentric wafer batch was proposed