Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol.145, No.6, 1829-1840, 1998
Modeling of anodic current transients resulting from oxide rupture of plastically strained beta+alpha titanium
The film rupture behavior on dynamically strained Ti-15 Mo-3 Nb-3 Al exposed to 0.6 M NaCl has been examined by rapid data acquistion of anodic current transients. The anodic current transients resulted from dislocation intersection of the passive film, followed by film rupture, bare surface dissolution, and repassivation. The transient morphology during dynamic straining differs from that generated via conventional depassivation techniques (i.e., manual scratch and fractured thin film depassivation) which incorporate an electrode that does not experience active plastic straining following depassivation. During conventional depassivation testing, current transients increase relatively rapidly and decay with an approximately linear slope on the log i-log t plot. In contrast, the transients acquired during dynamic straining are characterized by a relatively slow current increase and a nonlinear current decay on the log i-log t plot. This nonlinear decay is not attributable to ohmic or capacitive effects. The difference between the anodic transient morphologies on dynamically strained and unstrained electrodes is attributed to the combination of many discrete dislocation intersections of the surface over a period which is much larger than the time required for repassivation of a single dislocation intersection. Additionally, atomic force microscopy revealed persistent slip on a limited number of slip planes, with slip offsets as large as 600 nm, which is consistent with the formation and emergence of superdislocations. Thus, film rupture results from sc-face intersection of a superdislocation comprised of individual dislocations which are spatially and temporally separated. Current transient modeling of superdislocation intersection agrees qualitatively with that observed experimentally. It is concluded that the repassivation behavior determined by conventional depassivation techniques may not be relevant for modeling of environmentally assisted cracking of dynamically strained electrodes in some cases.