International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.44, No.14, 11658-11675, 2020
Enhancement of tidal generators by superconducting energy storage and Jaya-based sliding-mode controller
This article presents a novel control technique of Jaya-based super-sliding controller that is applied on superconducting magnetic energy storage system (SCMES). The SCMES will be integrated to operate with tidal turbine generators (TTGs). The penetration of TTGs has recently grown due to distributed generation contributions to the energy sector. To alleviate the potential system instability due to TTG dynamic performance, SCMES is connected to TTG to support the dynamic operational conditions. SCMES is implemented to act quickly during both cases of power generation and absorption, so it can realize any required mismatch between the supply and load power at dynamic transient periods. To enhance such capability, this article proposes the application of Jaya-based super-sliding control technique to control and tune the system dynamic gains. The proposed technique implements incorporated co-operative algorithms using enhanced Jaya competitive algorithm and super-sliding method to facilitate the exchange of energy between the SCMES, the TTG, and the power network. It allows smooth dynamic performance, power quality enhancement, and robust dynamic reference tracking. Jaya-based super-sliding controller is developed and proposed for accurate and reliable control and tunning of system parameters. The proposed controller ensures the superb performance of the synergy of SCMESs and TTGs. Digital simulations have validated the effectiveness of the proposed system with the optimal dynamic parameters and minimization of the global control error.