Powder Technology, Vol.378, 51-59, 2021
A novel method for assessing the coating uniformity of hot-melt coated particles using micro-computed tomography
y The effectiveness of hot-melt coating depends on its uniformity and the extent to which the surface is completely covered. Compared with solvent-based coating, spreading is more limited in hot-melt coating; thus, the coating uniformity is more affected by the process parameters. This study presents a new method for identifying and quantifying factors influencing coating uniformity. The proposed method facilitates the determination of coating-thickness distribution and non-covered surface proportion based on micro-computed tomography measurements. The proposed method is based on particles that have undergone hot-melt coating in a fluidized bed, and it is compared to common methods for layer-thickness determination. The influencing factors are quantified in terms of the dependency of coating uniformity on the coating amount and material. Material properties have a significant impact because stearin and palm fat create different coating layers. The proposed method is confirmed to be well suited for analyzing coating qualities. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.