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Polymer(Korea), Vol.45, No.5, 803-808, September, 2021
PVDF/CNT 복합체의 CNT 분산성 향상을 위한 Pyrene 기반 고분자 분산제
Pyrene-based Polymer Surfactant for Dispersion of CNT in the PVDF/CNT Nanocomposite
고함량 탄소나노튜브(CNT)를 함유한 poly(vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF)/carbon nanotube(CNT) 나노복합체의 CNT 분산성 향상을 위해 poly(PyMMP-co-MMA)(PyMMP: 1-pyrenemethyl methacrylate, MMA: methyl methacrylate)를 중합하여 분산제로 사용하였다. Poly(PyMMP(20 mole%)-co-MMA) (CNT 대비 5 wt%)를 PVDF/CNT(CNT 함유량 40 wt%) 나노복합체에 첨가했을 때 표면저항이 0.42 .에서 0.18 .로 약 2.3배 감소하는 것을 확인할 수 있었고 주사전자 현미경 이미지로 CNT의 분산성을 확인해 본 결과 PVDF/CNT 나노복합체에 CNT가 잘 분산되었다. 따라서 poly(PyMMP-co-MMA)을 리튬 이차전지 양극재 분산제로 적용했을 때 우수한 성질을 기대할 수 있다.
Poly(PyMMP-co-MMA) (PyMMP: 1-pyrenemethyl methacrylate, MMA: methyl methacrylate) was synthesized for using it as a polymer surfactant of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)/carbon nanotube (CNT) nanocomposite when the CNT content is high. The surface resistance of the PVDF/CNT composite film was decreased from 0.42 Ω to 0.18 Ω when the carbon content was 40%. The improved dispersion of CNT in the PVDF/CNT/poly(PyMMP-co-MMA) composite film was confirmed from the scanning electron microscopy images of the fractured surfaces. Thus, poly(PyMMP-co-MMA) can be used as a polymer surfactant in the cathode materials of lithium ion batteries.
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