Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.39, No.4, 1011-1019, April, 2022
Selective separation of gallium from various ions by polymer inclusion membranes based on CTA/PVC blend using TOPO as carrier
Selective transport of gallium from HCl media containing other ions such as Zn, Co, and Ni, by polymer inclusion membranes (PIM), based on CTA/PVC blend using trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) as carrier and 2-nitrophenylpentyl ether (2-NPPE) as plasticizer is studied. The effect of various parameters such as the HCl concenration in the feed, HCl concenration in the stripping phase, carrier (TOPO) concentration, 2-NPPE concentration, the cellulose triacetate (CTA)/poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) as the polymer-blend was experimentally studied and the optimum conditions were determined. It was possible to selectively extract gallium ions from the ions (Zn, Co, and Ni) in the acidic solutions. The separation factors of gallium over Zn, Co, and Ni, at the optimum conditions, were found to be of 963, 702, and 514, respectively, for the feed solution of 100mg/dm3 Ga, 1,000mg/dm3 Zn, 600mg/dm3 Co, and 600mg/dm3 Ni.
Keywords:Polymer Inclusion Membranes;Gallium Separation;Trioctyl Phosphine Oxide (TOPO);CTA-PVC Blend;Membranes;Separation Factor
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