Polymer(Korea), Vol.46, No.6, 783-792, November, 2022
자기공명분자영상 응용을 위한 자성 마이크로 니들의 제조와 특성분석
Preparation and Characterization of Magnetized Microneedles for Magnetic Resonance Molecular Imaging
본 연구에서는 허셉틴이 결합된 산화철 나노입자를 함유하는 magnetized microneedles(MMNs)를 저온공정기 술을 통해 제조하여 magnetic resonance imaging 분자조영제로의 용용에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 그 결과 MMNs 제조후에 표면 및 자성특성변화는 관찰되지 않았으며, 90% 이상의 피부투과도와 세포생존율이 확인되었고, 허셉틴을 결합한 MMNs에서 30% 이상의 급격한 signal intensity 변화가 확인되었다. 결론적으로, 허셉틴이 결합된 MMNs가 자기공명분자영상 분야의 경피전달시스템을 통한 진단 동시 치료를 위한 기반 기술로서 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다.
In this study, magnetized microneedles (MMNs) that contain herceptin conjugated to iron oxide nanoparticles were manufactured by low temperature process technology and its effects on magnetic resonance (MR) molecular imaging were investigated. The results showed that after the MMNs were manufactured, changes in morphology and magnetic properties were not observed and more than 90% of the skin permeability and cell viability were confirmed and dramatic signal intensity changes of MMNs containing herceptin were confirmed more than 30% on magnetic resonance imaging measurements. In conclusion, it is expected that MMNs containing herceptin have an essential role as a base technology in the field of MR molecular imaging, which can diagnose and therapeutic through transdermal drug delivery system.