Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Vol.12, No.3, 2055-2059, 1994
Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Spectroscopy Study of V2O5 Surface with Oxygen Vacancies
The geometric and electronic structures of the V2O5(010) surface with oxygen vacancies were studied by means of scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy. Vanadyl oxygens which play an important role in an oxidization catalyst are found to be easily desorbed in a line. along the c axis by annealing the sample above 500-degrees-C. We obtained the current images of vanadium V4+ ion rows caused by the desorption of vanadyl oxygens and also the images of V5+ ion rows distinctively. Periodic vanadium ion rows having about a half-space of lattice constant a of V2O5 were observed when almost all vanadyl oxygens were desorbed from the surface.