Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.278, 27-36, 1996
Using Polarized, Ultra-Soft X-Ray-Absorption Spectroscopy to Probe Molecular-Orientation in Benzotriazole Films Adsorbed on Partly Oxidized Copper
Data are presented of polarisation studies carried out to elucidate the orientation of the benzotriazole molecule adsorbed onto copper thin films. Spectra were obtained at the carbon K-edge. Comparisons are made between this and the orientations of structurally similar molecules; indazole, methyl benzotriazole and benzimidazole. Different copper film thicknesses and degrees of oxidation were investigated, and a film of benzotriazole on silver was also examined. All of the molecules were found to be oriented normal to the substrate, except benzimidazole on copper, which showed no orientation dependence.