Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.294, 113-116, 1997
The Mutual Mixing Effect in the lb Films of Merocyanine Dyes
The mutual mixing effect in the LB films of four kinds of merocyanine dyes have been investigated by optical absorption and fluorescence measurements. In single component films, DSe, DS and 6-methyl DS (6Me-DS) can form J-like aggregates but not for DO. In [6Me-DS]-[DO] system, a sharp J-band peak linearly shifts to the longer wavelength for the replacement of 6Me-DS by DO. In [DS]-[DO] system, [DS]:[DO] 1:1 film shows a both sharp J-band absorption and fluorescence peak. The behavior are understood by the formation of the ’solid solution’ for [6Me-DS]-[DO] and the ’intermolecular compound’ for [DS]-[DO]. Furthermore, the spectrum of [DO]-[DSe] system shows the presence of the ’phase separation’. These results would relate to an interesting problem, what we may call a ’2-dimensional phase diagram’ in J-aggregates.