Particulate Science and Technology, Vol.14, No.3, 221-237, 1996
On the global and local structural properties of packed beds of nonequilateral cylindrical particles
The structure of a series of packed beds of non-equilateral cylindrical particles has been investigated and compared with those of beds of spheres and equilateral cylinders of similar dimensions. It is found that the mean voidage of beds of equilateral cylinders is consistently lower than the corresponding values for beds of spheres and non-equilateral cylinders of aspect ratios 0.25, 0.5, 2 and 3. End effects do not appear to be present in beds of cylinders of aspect ratios of 0.25 and 0.5 and generally, both wall and end effects are significantly weaker than corresponding effects in beds of spheres and equilateral cylinders. This suggests that chanelling is reduced in beds of non-equilateral cylindrical pellets. Whilst the axial voidage distribution of beds of non-equilateral cylinders appears to be almost uniform, the radial voidage distribution bears the effect of confining walls and an oscillatory profile is observed in most cases, but is seen to be irregular for aspect ratios 0.25 and 0.5. The orientation effect of particles of aspect ratio 0.25 in adjacent layers causes an irregular pattern in the axially averaged radial voidage distribution. Observed axially averaged radial voidage profiles suggest that a uniform structure may be achieved by modifying the basic cylindrical shape.