Revue de l Institut Francais du Petrole, Vol.53, No.5, 555-570, 1998
Velocity analysis using nonhyperbolic move-out in anisotropic media of arbitrary symmetry: Synthetic and field data studies
A robust method for estimating the interval parameters (i.e. the normal move-out velocity V-NMO and the anisotropy parameter eta) of horizontally layered transversely isotropic media from reflected P-waves data has been recently proposed by Alkhalifah (1997) based on move-out equation from Tsvankin and Thomsen (1994). The method, tested on synthetic and field data, is based first on semblance analysis on nonhyberbolic (i.e. long spread) move-out for the estimation of the effective parameters, and then on a layer stripping process. Sayers and Ebrom (1997) recently proposed another nonhyperbolic traveltime equation and a corresponding interval velocity analysis which can be used for azimuthally anisotropic layered media. The method was tested on synthetic and physical model data in homogeneous anisotropic media of various symmetry. Here we propose a generalization of the method proposed by Alkhalifah, which can deal with arbitrary, but moderately (i.e. anisotropy strength of roughly 20%), anisotropic layered media. The parametrization is a natural extension of the parametrization used by the previous author and based on generalized Thomsen's parameters (Thomsen, 1986) proposed by Mensch and Rasolofosaon (1997). The method is first applied to synthetic data on a six layer model of contrasted anisotropy (type and magnitude). The robustness of the method is demonstrated. All the interval parameters (here V-NMO and the horizontal velocity V-H) are estimated with reasonable errors (typically < 2%, to be compared with the considered anisotropies of about 15 to 20%) at all azimuths. The method is also tested on field data from the North Sea including three 2D seismic lines intersecting at a well location.