Automatica, Vol.33, No.6, 1029-1039, 1997
Analysis and Design for a Class of Complex Control-Systems .2. Fuzzy Controller-Design
In this second paper on the analysis and design of complex control systems, we present a controller design method for a class of complex control systems. This class of systems can be represented by a discrete-time dynamical fuzzy model as discussed in Part I, the companion paper. A necessary and sufficient condition for stabilization of this kind of discrete-time fuzzy control system is given. Furthermore, a constructive algorithm is developed to obtain the stabilizing feedback control law. The main contribution of this paper is the development of a decomposition principle that is, the design of a fuzzy discrete-time control system can be decomposed into the design of a set of discrete-time subsystems. Each subsystem can be designed independently, and the individual solutions can be combined to get a solution for the overall design problem. Two examples are given to illustrate the application of the method.