HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.15, No.5, 343-354, October, 1977
1,1,2-삼염화에탄의 기상 염소화 반응
Gas-Phase Chlorination of 1, 1, 2-trichloroethane to Chlorinated Ethylenes
염화비닐 합성공정의 부산물로 생산되고 있는 1, 1, 2-삼염화에탄을 염소화시켜 삼염화에틸렌과 사염화에틸렌을 합성하는 공정에 대하여 연구하였다. 반응온도 200∼300 ℃, 1, 1, 2-삼염화에탄에 대한 염소의 비율 0.45∼1.00의 범위에서 기상염소화에 중점을 두었다. 닉켈이나 닉켈합금으로 만든 반응장치는 고온의 염소와 염화수소 가스에 대한 부식을 방지할 수 있었다. 기상염소화 반응은 라디칼에 의한 반응이며 이염화-, 삼염화-, 사염화-에틸렌과 사염화-, 오염화-, 육염화-에탄 및 라디칼의 정지반응에 의한 고분자염화물 등의 연관된 염화탄화수소들이 생성되었다. 삼염화에틸렌은 낮은 반응온도 및 낮은염소혼합비가 좋았으며 사염화에틸렌은 그 반대였다. 이염화에틸렌은 염소혼합비의 증가에 따라, 육염화에탄이상의 중질물은 반응온도의 증가에 따라 감소하였다. 삼염화에틸렌과 사염화에틸렌의 비율을 수요에 따라 조절하며 병산하고 부산되는 염화수소가스를 이용하여 1, 1, 1-삼염화에탄의 합성을 병행해서 고려할 수 있었다.
It was attempted to develop a process for the synthesis of trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene from 1, 1, 2-trichloroethane, a by-product produced in vinyl chloride manufacturing process. The investigation was concentrated on the gas phase chlorination in the temperature range of 200-350 ℃ and for the ratio of chlorine to 1, 1, 2-trichloroethane from 0.45 to 1.00. The reactor and other equipments were fabricated with nickel and nickel alloys which are highly resistant to high temperature chlorine and hydrogen chloride gas. Since gas phase chlorination is a free radical reaction, many related chlorohydrocarbones such as di-, tri-, per-chloroethylenes, tetra-, penta-, hexa-chloroethanes, and other heavies are produced together. Trichloroethylene was produced preferably at low temperature and low chlorine ratio whereas high temperature was preferred for the production of perchloroethylene. Dichloroethylenes were decreased with increasing chlorine ratio and heavies were decreased with reaction temperature. Since trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene were produced simultaneously much effort was focused on the investigation of the reaction conditions controlling the product ratio to meet the demand of both products.