Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, Vol.4, No.1, 35-44, 1997
South Florida Oil Spill Research Center
The SFOSRC is sponsored by the U.S. Coast Guard's R&D Center as a regional center-of-excellence. Three projects are underway: the Straits of Florida Nowcast/Forecast System (SFNFS), Oil Spill Information Management System (OSIRIS), and National Marine Oil Transportation System (NMOTSM). SFNFS has evolved working-prototype, real-time circulation and trajectory models in a workstation environment. OSIMS is developing a prototype information system which integrates static geographical, ecological, regulatory, and response technology information with dynamic oceanic and atmospheric information. NMOTSM is developing a mathematical model for the transportation of oil in the U.S. EEZ, including major marine ports. Only SFNFS is described further here. SFNFS is based upon the Princeton Ocean Model, a state-of-the-science baroclinic model. It is forced by a feature model for the Florida Current on the inflow and by synoptic winds. High-resolution, realistic bottom topography is used, and the model is run on a c. 5.5 x 5.5 km grid with 21 sigma (terrain-following) levels. Every 12 h, the model is updated with fresh wind-forcing at 6 h intervals, out to 48 h from NMCs eta model, For specified spill location and time, surface trajectories are calculated, taking into account the ambient currents, direct wind drift, and subgrid scale turbulent dispersion.