Thin Solid Films, Vol.316, No.1-2, 105-110, 1998
Evaporation from synthetic incinerator ashes melted by plasma arc
Synthetic incinerator ashes of 40 mass %SiO2-40Ca0-20Al(2)O(3) (named Glass) and 36 mass %SiO2-36CaO-18Al(2)O(3)-10Fe(2)O(3) (named Fe-Glass) were melted by argon plasma are, with iron rods used for are ignition. A direct current transferred type plasma generator was used with an output power of 6 kW. During are melting, the iron rod was melted and located in the centre of the molten ash. The temperature at the boundary between the iron and ash melts was 2200 K and that at the edge of the ash 1870 K. X-Ray diffraction showed that the deposit vaporised from Glass was composed of Fe, FeSi and amorphous SiO2. The evaporation rates from Glass and Fe-Glass were 3.8 x 10(-4) g/s and 1.4 x 10(-4) g/s, respectively. It has been concluded that the rate of evaporation from the molten ash is affected by the vaporisation reaction which determines the oxygen partial pressure in the whole system.