Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.12, No.1, 52-57, February, 2001
Resole 변성 고차구조의 Rosinester 제조와 그 특성
Preparation and Characteristics of Resole Modified Hyperstructured Rosinester
로진과 fumaric acid로부터 rosin-fumaric acid adduct (RFA)를 합성하고 여기에 pentaerythritol과 rosin을 차례로 반응시켜 고차구조를 갖는 RFA-pentaerythritol ester (RFAP) 및 RFAP-rosin ester (RFAPR)을 제조하고 반응시간에 따른 분자량 및 산가의 변화를 측정하였다. RFA와 pentaerythritol을 반응시켜 분자량이 1000, 산가가 13인 RFAP를 얻었으며, 또한 RFAP와 rosin을 240 ℃에서 24 h 반응시켜 RFAPR를 제조하였다. RFAP와 rosin을 4 h 반응시켰을 때 분자량은 1950, 산가는 130이었으나 24 h 반응시킨 결과 분자량은 3300으로 증가되었고 산가는 18로 감소되어 산가의 변화로 추정한 분자량과 실제로 측정한 분자량이 거의 일치되었다. p-Nonylphenol과 faraformaldehyde를 촉매 존재 하 95 ℃에서 6 h 반응시켜 분자량(Mw) 1330을 갖는 resole을 합성하였으며 이를 RFAPR과 Chroman반응으로 RFAPR-resole adduct를 제조하고 이들의 구조확인을 위하여 FT-IR 과 (1)H-NMR을 이용한 측정을 수행하였다. RFAPR과 resole을 1:0.8의 mole 비율로 반응시켜 제조한 생성물의 분자량은 89800, 산가는 20.7, 점성도는 Z6, T(g)는 143 ℃를 나타내었다.
RFA-Pentaerythritol ester (REAP) and REAP-rosin ester (RFAPR) were synthesized from the esterification of rosin-fumaric acid adduct(RFA) with pentaerythritol, and reacted with rosin. Their molecular weigths, acid values, and corresponding reaction time were measured. The molecular weigth of RFAP was 1000, and the acid value was 13. The molecular weigth of RFAPR was increased from 1950 to 3300, and the acid value was decreased from 130 to 18 when the reaction time was increased from 4 h to 24 h at 240 ℃. Resole with molecular weigth of 1330 was prepared from the polycondensation of p-nonylphenol with paraformaldehyde in the presence of barium hydroxide. RFAPR-resole adduct was prepared from the Chroman reaction of RFAPR with resole, and it was characterized by the measurements of FT-IR and (1)H-NMR. RFAPR-resole adduct, prepared from RFAPR and resole, with the molar ratio of 1 to 0.8, had the acid value of 20.7, viscosity of Z6, T(g), of 143 ℃, and the molecular weigth of 89800.
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