Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol.236, No.1, 180-193, 2001
The electrophoretic mobility and electric conductivity of a concentrated suspension of colloidal spheres with arbitrary double-layer thickness
The electrophoresis in a monodisperse suspension of dielectric spheres with an arbitrary thickness of the electric double layers is analytically studied. The effects of particle interactions are taken into account by employing a unit cell model, and the overlap of the double layers of adjacent particles is allowed. The electrokinetic equations, which govern the ionic concentration distributions, the electric potential profile, and the fluid how field in the electrolyte solution surrounding the charged sphere in a unit cell, are linearized assuming that the system is only slightly distorted from equilibrium. Using a perturbation method, these linearized equations are solved with the surface charge density (or zeta potential) of the particle as the small perturbation parameter. Analytical expressions for the electrophoretic mobility of the colloidal sphere in closed form correct to O(zeta) are obtained. Based on the solution of the electrokinetic equations in a cell, a closed-form formula for the electric conductivity of the suspension up to O(zeta (2)) is derived from the average electric current density. Comparisons of the results of the cell model with different conditions at the outer boundary of the cell are made for both the electrophoretic mobility and the electric conductivity
Keywords:electrophoretic mobility;electric conductivity;concentrated suspension;unit cell model;arbitrary double-layer thickness