HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.24, No.1, 73-79, February, 1986
염화암모늄에 의한 함티탄자철광의 염소화 반응(I)
Chlorination of Titaniferous Magnetite with Ammonium Chloride(I)
염화암모늄을 새로운 염소원으로서 사용할 수 있는 가능성을 조사하고자 함티탄자철광과 염화암모늄의 반응을 추구하였다.
이 반응에서 함티탄자철광의 성분중 철산화물만이 선택적으로 염소화되었으며 적정반응 조건은 함티탄자철광에 대한 염화암모늄의 무게비 3.5, 반응온도 325 ℃, 반응시간 50 min, N2가스의 유량 30 cm3/min(반응관의 ID=2.8 cm), 함티탄자철광의 입도 -140 mesh였다. 이 조건하에서 함티탄자철광중의 철산화물은 Fe(III)산화물이 94.8 %, Fe(II) 산화물이 25.2 % 철염화물로 전화되었으며 이 염소화된 철분을 물로 침출, 제거하므로서 얻어진 잔사는 X-선회절분석결과 TiO2 함량 45.18 %의 ilmenite였다.
이 반응에서 함티탄자철광의 성분중 철산화물만이 선택적으로 염소화되었으며 적정반응 조건은 함티탄자철광에 대한 염화암모늄의 무게비 3.5, 반응온도 325 ℃, 반응시간 50 min, N2가스의 유량 30 cm3/min(반응관의 ID=2.8 cm), 함티탄자철광의 입도 -140 mesh였다. 이 조건하에서 함티탄자철광중의 철산화물은 Fe(III)산화물이 94.8 %, Fe(II) 산화물이 25.2 % 철염화물로 전화되었으며 이 염소화된 철분을 물로 침출, 제거하므로서 얻어진 잔사는 X-선회절분석결과 TiO2 함량 45.18 %의 ilmenite였다.
The reaction between titaniferous magnetite and NH4Cl was experimentally investigated in order to find the possibility of NH4Cl being an alternative chlorine source.
Iron oxides among the components of titaniferous magnetite was selectively chlorinated in this reaction. The optimum conditions for this chlorination were that NH4Cl weight ratio to the titaniferous magnetite 3.5, reaction temperature 350 ℃, reaction time 50 min, N2 gas flow rate 30 cm3/min (reactor size : ID=2.8 cm) and particle size of titaniferous magnetite-140 mesh.
Under above mentioned conditions, the conversions of iron oxide to iron chloride were 94.8 % for iron (III) oxide and 25.2 % for iron (II) oxide, respectively. The analysis of the residues left after the water leaching of the chlorinated product at these reaction conditions showed that the content of TiO2 was 45.18 % and the x-ray diffraction pattern showed ilmenite.
Iron oxides among the components of titaniferous magnetite was selectively chlorinated in this reaction. The optimum conditions for this chlorination were that NH4Cl weight ratio to the titaniferous magnetite 3.5, reaction temperature 350 ℃, reaction time 50 min, N2 gas flow rate 30 cm3/min (reactor size : ID=2.8 cm) and particle size of titaniferous magnetite-140 mesh.
Under above mentioned conditions, the conversions of iron oxide to iron chloride were 94.8 % for iron (III) oxide and 25.2 % for iron (II) oxide, respectively. The analysis of the residues left after the water leaching of the chlorinated product at these reaction conditions showed that the content of TiO2 was 45.18 % and the x-ray diffraction pattern showed ilmenite.