Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.12, No.4, 373-376, June, 2001
활성탄을 이용한 폐윤활유 열분해유 중의 타르 흡착 특성
Adsorptive Characteristics of Tar in Pyrolyzed Waste Lubricating Oil on Activated Carbon
폐윤활유 열분해유에서 생성되는 타르 생성에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. FT-IR을 이용하여 시간경과에 따른 열분해유의 화학적 변화와 타르를 이루고 있는 주 작용기에 대하여 연구하였으며 C=C, C=O 및 방향족 성분이 타르를 구성하고 있음을 확인하였다. 불포화탄화수소의 재중합 및 산화가 타르를 생성하는 주원인으로 판단되며, 타르를 제거하기 위하여 폐수처리용 입상활성탄을 이용하여 타르제거 흡착실험을 수행하였다. 정확한 타르흡착 실험조건을 위해서 진동항온조의 분당회전수를 보정하였으며 25, 35, 45℃에서 수행한 흡착실험결과 타르흡착의 활성화에너지는 28 kcal/mol로 판명되었다.
Formation characteristics of a tar has been studies experimentally. The tar used in this study was generated by repolymerization and oxidation of olefin. The FT-IR analysis showed that the tar content had significant amounts of C=C and C=O functional groups. The two functional groups were regarded as the major cause of the materials to form a tar. To remove the tar from pyrolyzed oil, an activated carbon was employed as an adsorbent. The adsorption experiments were carried out at three different temperatures: 25, 35, and 45 ℃. The activation energy of tar adsorption, which is an important design factor for various types of reactors, was determined experimentally. The activation energy was founded to be 28 kcal/mol, and the data's confidence level was over 95.5%.
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