Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.18, No.5, 612-622, September, 2001
Multi-Dimensional Design Process Management by Extended Product Modeling for Concurrent Process Engineering
Conventional product and process models have focused on static features. That means product models are mainly based on structural decomposition of products, and process models are also often described by activity decomposition such as work breakdown structure. From the view of design process management, it is difficult to describe dynamic features of design processes appropriately through conventional methodologies. In this paper, a multidimensional approach for design process management was explored to manifest characteristics of design processes for chemical plant design. Parallelized design process for concurrent process engineering should be managed by twodimensional design activity flows. The process management makes it possible to guide progress of design processes in a helix structure by horizontal and vertical activity control simultaneously. They stand for teleological and causal relation between design activities, respectively. That can be achieved based on an extended product model, which represents various design perspectives explicitly from a conventional design activity model. The extended product model is composed of product data, design activities, and activity drivers. Dynamic features of the extended product model are expressed by an activity chain model. These concepts will support the realization of concurrent process engineering for chemical plant design in the sense that they provide design process management strategies.
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