Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.18, No.5, 719-724, September, 2001
The Reactivity of V2O5 -WO3-TiO2 Catalyst Supported on a Ceramic Filter Candle for Selective Reduction of NO
For realizing the environmental issues and constituting an economical treatment system, a catalytic filter based on V2O5/TiO2 supported on tubular filter elements has many advantages by removing NOx and particulate simultaneously from flue gas. In order to improve the activity of a catalytic filter based on V2O5/TiO2 supported on a commercial high temperature filter element (PRD-66), the promoting effects of WO3 were investigated in an experimental unit. PRD-66 presented very good properties for SCR catalyst carrier since it contains much active material such as Al2O3, SiO2, and MgO whose contributions were remarkable. For additional catalyst carrier, TiO2 particles were coated in the pores of PRD-66 with relatively good distribution of the particle size less than 1 μm, by a coating process applying centrifugal force. WO3, in the V2O5-WO3-TiO2/PRD-66 catalytic filter system, increased the SCR activity significantly and broadened the optimum temperature window. The catalytic filter shows the maximum NO conversion of more than 95% for NO concentration of 700 ppmv at face velocity of 0.02 m/sec, which is comparable to the current commercial catalytic filters of plate form.
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