HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.26, No.5, 480-485, October, 1988
염화암모늄에 의한 황화철의 염소화 반응(II) - 황화철광의 염소화로부터 고순도 α-Fe2O3의 제조-
Chlorination of Iron Sulfide with Ammonium Chloride(II)-Preparation of α-Fe2O3 by the Chlorination of Iron Sulfide Ore-
황화철광을 염화암모늄으로 염소화시켜 고순도 철산화물을 제조하는 새로운 공정개발을 시도하였다. 황화철광의 염소화에 대한 적정조건은 반응온도 375 ℃, 염화암모늄의 양은 광물시료에 대한 무게비로서 6.0, 반응시간 1 hr, 시료의 입도 -200 mesh였다. 이 조건하에서 황화철의 94.2 %가 철염화물로 전화되었으며 이 철염화물로부터 제조되어진 철산화물은 순도 99.9 %의 α-Fe2O3였다.
A study to find a new process for the preparation of pure iron oxide from iron sulfide ore was attempted by the chlorination of iron sulfide ore with NH4Cl.
The proper conditions for the chlorination of iron sulfide ore were that reaction temperature 375 ℃, weight ratio of NH4Cl to iron sulfide ore 6.0, reaction time 1 hr and particle size of iron sulfide ore -200 mesh.
Under above mentioned conditions, conversion of the iron sulfide in the iron sulfide ore to the iron chloride was 94.2 %.
The iron oxide prepared from the iron chloride was identified as α-Fe2O3 and the purity of the α-Fe2O3 was 99.9 %
The proper conditions for the chlorination of iron sulfide ore were that reaction temperature 375 ℃, weight ratio of NH4Cl to iron sulfide ore 6.0, reaction time 1 hr and particle size of iron sulfide ore -200 mesh.
Under above mentioned conditions, conversion of the iron sulfide in the iron sulfide ore to the iron chloride was 94.2 %.
The iron oxide prepared from the iron chloride was identified as α-Fe2O3 and the purity of the α-Fe2O3 was 99.9 %