HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.27, No.1, 85-93, February, 1989
열처리에 의한 탄소질 메조페이스의 생성속도
Rate of Formation of Carbonaceous Mesophase by Heat Treatment
410℃-450℃의 온도범위에서 여러 시간 열처리하였을 때, 생성되는 퀴놀린 불용문과 메조페이스에 관하여 용매추출, 편광현미경, 주사형 전자현미경을 이용하여 조사하였다. 지금까지 알려진 것과는 달리 퀴놀린 불용분과 메조페이스는 동일 물질이 아니었으며, 열처리 초기에는 퀴놀린 불용분이 메조페이스 보다 빨리 생성되었으며, 활성화에너지는 각각 36.6Kcal/mole과 58.5Kcal/mole이었다. 휘발분 함량과 C/H비는 메조페이스의 핵생성 단계에서 큰 변화를 보였으며, 합체 과정에서는 변화가 크지 않았다.
Formation of quinoline insoluble and mesophase obtained from coal tar pitch by heat treatment in the temperature range from 410℃ to 450℃ for various times have been studied, using solvent extraction, polarized microscope and SEM. Content of quinoline insoluble and mesophase were not equal to each other, contrary to the facts known by this time. At an early stage of heat treatment, the rate of formation of quinoline insoluble was greater than that of me-sophase, and there were some isotropic secondary quinoline insoluble. At a later stage, the rate of formation of me-sophase was greater than that of quinoline insoluble. The rates of formation of quinoline insoluble and mesophase were well fitted with 1st order reaction and activation energies of those were 36.6Kcal/mole and 58.5Kcal/mole, re-spectively. Content of volatile matter and C/H ratio were changed remarkably during nucleation of mesophase, but changed lit-tle during coalescence of mesophase.