HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.39, No.6, 692-697, December, 2001
Solvent+Water+2-Methyl Pyrazine 삼성분계의 액-액 평형
Ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for the Systems of Solvent+Water+2-Methyl Pyrazine
의약 중간체용으로 사용되는 2-methyl pyrazine(2 MP)를 추출한 선택적 용매를 결정하기 위해 298.15 K에서 solvent(cyclohexane, n-hexane, n-heptane, methylcyclohexane(MCH), methylcyclopentane(MCP), ethylacetate)+water+2MP 혼합물계의 용해도 곡선을 측정하고, 대응선과 상계점을 구하였다. 대응선 계산치를 얻기 위해 NRTL 모델식에 상호 연관시켜 파라미터를 추산하고 대응선 계산값을 구하였다. 각각의 3성분계에 대한 분배곡선, 선택도 곡선을 결정하여 용매의 추출성능을 조사하였다.
The experimenral binodal curves were determined for the ternary systems of water+2 MP with cyclohexane, n-hexane, n-heptane, MCH, MCP and ethylacetate as solvents at 298.15K for finding a selective solvent to extract to extract 2 MP, used for pharmaceutical intermediate. Tie-line and plait point were also determined. The experimental tie line data were correlated with the NRTL model and extraction effectiveness of solvents was also examined by means of datermining of distribution and selectivity curves.
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