Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.364, 25-91, 2001
One century liquid crystal chemistry: from Vorlander's rods to disks, stars and dendrites
The liquid crystals have been discovered in 1888, Until about 1900 only few mesogenic compounds were known. Daniel Vorlander started his work on liquid crystals about one century ago and he may be called "father of liquid crystal chemistry". By systematical syntheses of compounds with predetermined geometrical shape he was able to derive his rule of the most extended molecular shape. He initiated many special areas of LC chemistry, most of which are still topical. The historical development of the some topics of LC research will be sketched. Among the topics are: the role of impurities and polymorphism, inclusion of different chemical moieties (aromatic, cycloaliphatic and heterocyclic compounds, metallomesogens, supramolecular systems), compounds with unconventional molecular shape (twins, banana shaped compounds, lateral substituted compounds), glassy mesogens, oligomeric and polymeric compounds, discotic compounds, dendrimers, materials for applications.