Chemical Engineering & Technology, Vol.24, No.10, 1035-1044, 2001
Flow and turbulence in the discharge of radial pumping turbines: Influence of the turbine type
Velocity measurements were made in the impeller discharge of 6SRGT- and Rushton-type impellers in a 0.6 m(3) tank using, constant temperature anemometry with a direction sensitive split-film probe. The reproducibility error of the measurement system was found to be greater than 5 % for all measured properties. The main flow and turbulent parameters measured at three agitation rates in the impeller discharge are compared for the two turbines with respect to both agitation rate and the measured power input. For comparison of the flow properties in the centerline of the two turbines having different diameter and blade height, a uniform representation was used treating the impeller stream as a special kind of free jet. Using this representation, we obtained similar results for both turbines on all measured parameters. The profile measurements showed a similar main flow field for both turbines, but significant differences were found in the axial distribution of turbulent kinetic energy and the energy dissipation rate.