Thin Solid Films, Vol.403-404, 26-29, 2002
High quality a-Si : H films for MIS device applications
This work presents the I-V results of a-Si:H/SiOx/Pd MIS (metal-insulator-semiconductor) structures. The a-Si:H was deposited by non-conventional modified triode PECVD. This new configuration allows the deposition of high quality a-Si:H with a photosensitivity of 10(6), indicating the presence of low density of defects. Spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements revealed that these films are highly dense and present a very smooth surface so allowing a low defect interface between the Pd and the a-Si:H. As a result, we could make MIS photodiodes with barrier heights of 1.17 eV, which give a high reduction of the reverse dark current. an increase of the signal to noise ratio of 10(6) and an open circuit voltage V-OC = 0.5 V.