Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.19, No.2, 296-300, March, 2002
Measurements and Correlation of Hydrogen-Bonding Vapor Sorption Equilibrium Data of Binary Polymer Solutions
Vapor sorption equilibrium data of ten binary polymer/solvent systems were measured using sorption equilibrium cell equipped with a vacuum electromicrobalance. Tested solvents were water, methanol, ethanol and npropanol and polymer solutes were poly(ethylene glycol), poly(propylene glycol), poly(tetramethylene glycol) and poly(ethylene oxide). The measured sorption obtained in the present work, were compared with existing literature data and the degree of reliability of the measured data was discussed. Vapor sorption equilibrium data obtained in the present study were correlated by UNIQUAC model and the multi-fluid non-random lattice fluid hydrogen bonding equation of state (MF-NLF-HB EOS) recently proposed by the present authors.
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