Biotechnology Progress, Vol.18, No.2, 309-316, 2002
Optimal packing characteristics of rolled, continuous stationary-phase columns
Rolled, continuous stationary phases were constructed by tightly rolling and inserting a whole textile fabric into a chromatography column. This work reports the column performance, in terms of plate height, void fraction, and resolution, of 10 cellulose-based fabrics. The relation between fabric structural properties of yarn diameter, fabric count, fabric compressibility, and column performance are quantitated. General requirements, including reproducibility of packing, for choosing fabrics to make a good SEC column are identified. This research showed that the packed columns have an optimal mass of fabric that minimizes plate height and maximizes resolution, in a manner that is consistent with chromatography theory. Mass of material packed is then an important column parameter to consider when optimizing columns for the rapid desalting of proteins. Proteins were completely separated from salt and glucose in less than 8 min at a pressure drop less than 500 psi on the rolled, continuous stationary-phase columns. These results, together with stability and reproducibility, suggest potential industrial applications for cellulose-based rolled, continuous stationary-phase columns where speed is a key parameter in the production process.