Bioresource Technology, Vol.85, No.1, 95-97, 2002
Characterisation and some possible uses of Plukenetia conophora and Adenopus breviflorus seeds and seed oils
Two non-conventional seeds, Plukenetia conophora (PKCP) and Adenopus breviflorus (ADB) were analysed for their proximate, fatty acids, sterols composition and physico-chemical characteristics. Crude protein was 25.65% for PKCP and 28.25% for ADB. ADB had lower moisture content (4.5%) than PKCP (8.0%) indicating that the former has better shelf life. Oil yields of the seeds were 49.58% for PKCP and 56.22% for ADB. The major sterols were stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol in PKCP and ADB respectively. PKCP oil had 98.8% unsaturated fatty acids with linolenic acid predominating (70.1%) while ADB had 85.1% unsaturated fatty acids with linoleic acid being most abundant (65.3%). The very high saponification and iodine values of PKCP oil suggest its utilisation in alkyd resin, shoe polish, liquid soap and shampoo production. There is the possibility of using ADB oil in these regards as well as for edible purposes.