Applied Chemistry, Vol.6, No.2, 779-782, November, 2002
폐수처리를 위한 TiO2/UV 공정과 Photo-Fenton 반응
The Photo-Fenton Reaction and TiO2/UV Process for Waste Water Treatment
Application of photochemical waste water oxidation UV and/or visible light, especially TiO2/UV and the Photo-Fenton reaction(Fe2+/H2O2/UV-VIS), have been investigated. Degradation results of 4-Chlorophenol and some other model compounds at laboratory scale arediscussed. A photoreactor with immobilized TiO2 has led to a higher quantum efficiency than the suspension treatment. Experiments with different waste waters(e.g. landfill leachates, plastics industry, etc.) using the Fe2+/H2O2/UV-VIS system in a photoreactor prototype are reported.