HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.35, No.1, 77-82, February, 1997
용융 NaOH 침출을 이용한 Petroleum Cokes의 탈황에 관한 연구
A Study on the Desulfurization of Petroleum Cokes by Molten NaOH Leaching
본 연구에서는 알칼리 금속화합물 처리방법의 일종인 용융 가성소다 침출을 이용하여 국내에서 생산된 petroleum cokes로부터의 황제거 실험을 하였다. 황제거에 있어 반응변수로는 반응온도(400-550℃), 반응시간(10-60분), NaOH/cokes 비율(0-5wt/wt), 산세정 농도(0-5N)와 세정 시간(10-40분) 그리고 입자 크기(14 mesh 이하)등이었다. 최적의 조건인 550℃의 온도에서 약 30분을 처리하게 되면, 황 제거율은 99% 이상 그리고 회분 제거율은 약 90%의 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. SEM, FT-IR 등을 이용하여 처리후 표면 및 유기 구조변화를 고찰하였다.
Molten Caustic Leaching, one of the methods of treatment with alkali metal compound, was applied to the desulfurization of petroleum cokes which are produced in Korea. In removing the sulfur, the effects of reaction variables such as reaction temperature(400-550℃), reaction time(10-60min), ratio of caustic to cokes(0-5wt/wt), acid washing concentration(0-5N), acid washing time(10-40min) and particle size(under 14mesh) were investigated. The best desulfurization efficiency was obtained after 30 minutes with reaction temperature of 550℃ at which the efficiency was above 99% and ash removal was slightly less than 90%. Changes in surface and organic structure were also investigated by using the SEM and FT-IR spectrometer.
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