HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.35, No.4, 573-577, August, 1997
팔라듐이 담지된 SnO2/Al2O3 복합 입자의 제조
Preparation of Palladium-Doped SnO2/Al2O3 Complex Particles
Filter expansion aerosol generator를 사용한 분무열분해법에 의해 팔라듐이 도핑된 산화주석과 알루미나의 복합체를 제조하였다. 팔라듐과 알루미나의 첨가가 산화주석 입자의 결정성 및 형태에 주는 영향을 관찰하였다. 미량 도핑된 팔라듐은 산화주석의 결정성장을 방해하였다. 입자들은 서브마이크론 크기의 구형입자 형태를 가졌다. 팔라듐과 알루미나가 각각 첨가된 입자는 순수한 산화주석 입자보다 다소 표면적이 증가하였으나, 동시에 첨가된 경우에는 표면적이 감소하였다. Alumina source 로서 aluminum isopropoxide를 사용한 경우는 aluminum nitrate를 사용한 입자보다 큰 표면적을 가졌다. 복합체내의 팔라듐 분산도는 19%였다.
Palladium-doped mixed particles of tin oxide and aluminum oxide were prepared by spray pyrolysis using filter expansion aerosol generator. The effect of palladium and alumina on the crystallinity and morphology of tin oxide particles was investigated. The crystal growth of tin oxide was retarded by doping of palladium. The particles were submicron in diameter and had spherical morphology. Submicron size particles consisted of several nanometer size primary particles, and had hollow and porous morphology. The BET surface areas of tin oxide particles were slightly increased when palladium and alumina was separately added to the tin oxide particles, while the BET surface areas of tin oxide particles were decreased when palladium and alumina were added together. The mixed particles prepared from aluminum isopropoxide as aluminum source had higher BET surface area than that prepared from aluminum nitrate. The dispersion of palladium in the mixed particles was 19%.
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