Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.14, No.2, 152-159, April, 2003
SHS공정에 의한 MoSi2의 합성
Synthesis of MoSi2 by SHS Process
Self-propagating High Temperature Synthesis (SHS) 공정에 의해 MoSi2를 합성하였다. MoSi2 합성의 상용화 공정을 위해 Si의 원료로는 철강 첨가용 Si괴를 사용하여 단일상의 MoSi2를 얻을 수 있었으며, MoSi2 합성을 위한 적정조건은 상대밀도 40%, Si의 입도 -325 mesh, Si/Mo의 몰비 2.2였다.
MoSi2 was synthesized by Self-propagating High Temperature Synthesis (SHS) process. Silicon bulk was selected as a Si source for commercial process of MoSi2 synthesis and single phase MoSi2 has been prepared. The optimal conditions of MoSi2 synthesis were relative density, 40%; particle size of Si bulk, -325 mesh; mole ratio of silicon to molybdenum, 2.2.
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