Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.119, No.6, 3332-3335, 2003
Defect hydrogen vibrations in various phases deuterium ice
The inelastic incoherent neutron scattering spectra of D2O mixed with a small amount of H2O (5% by weight) high density amorphous (hda) ice, ice-VIII, and ice-II have been measured on HET spectrometer at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). The hydrogen atom in D2O ice lattice has three distinguished vibrations: two modes normal to the O---H bond at lower frequency and a stretching mode along the O-H bond at higher frequency. For different ice phases these frequencies are different, it was found that the lower defect mode is at similar to97 meV for ice-II, at about 95 meV for hda-ice and ice-VIII, and they are all lower than the value of 105 meV for ice-Ih. The O-H stretching modes are at 415 meV for ice-II, at 418 meV for hda-ice, and at 425 meV for ice-VIII, which all are much larger than the value for ice-Ih, 406 meV. It was also found that O-D stretching modes in D2O ice-VIII is centered at similar to320 meV which is significantly higher than the corresponding value of similar to305 meV for ice-Ih. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.