HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.36, No.5, 695-700, October, 1998
졸-겔법에 의한 γ-Al2O3 입자 제조시 수반된 해교반응에 관한 연구
A Study on the Peptization Reaction Accompanied with γ-Al2O 3 Particles Preparation by Sol-Gel Method
앞에서 보고찬 논문[l]에서 졸 제조공정단계 가운데 숙성이 γ-AlO(OH)입자는 물론 열처리 후의 γ-Al2O3입자의 미세구조 특성에 큰 영향을 미침을 밝혔다. 본 연구는 졸-겔법에 의한 γ-알루미나 입자 제조시 졸 제조 공정 가운데 숙성에 이어 연속공정인 해교반응이 γ-Al2O3 입자 특성에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였다. 연구결과, 해교반응에 따른γ-AlO(OH) 및 γ-Al2O3 입자의 결정구조 및 미세구조 특성은 변화하지 않았으며, 해교반응 초기에 평균 기공경의 일부만 감소하였다. 이는 응집된 γ-AlO(OH) 입자 표면에 흡착된 H2 O 분자가 가해진 산전해질의 H3O+ 이온에 의해 치환되어 입자간 전하반발 효과가 발생되어 응집 입자간에 형성되었던 거대기공이 사라졌기 때문이다. 여기서 해교반응은 수소결합과 oration 결합에의해 결합 응집된 입자들이 산전해질의 H3O+ 이온에의해 끊어져 나타난 현상으로 보인다. γ-Al 2O3 입자 제조를 위한 γ-AlO(OH) 졸 제조공정의 영향을 종합해보면해교반응은전해질첨가로미세하게분산된졸을만들기 위한 공정이고, Y-AlO(OH) 및 γ-Al2O3 입자의 미세구조 특성은 주로 숙성에 의해 조절 가능함을 알았다
In the previous study(1), we showed that the microstructure of γ-AlO(OH) and γ-Al 2O3 particles was affected by aging stage in the γ-AlO (OH) sol preparation process. We investigated the effects of peptization as a continuous process after aging in γ-AlO(OH) sol preparation process on characterization of γ-Al 2O3 particles in this study. From the results, we found that there was no crystallinity and microstructure changes of γ-Al 2O3 particles as well as γ-AlO(OH) particles according to peptization. But there was a decrease of average pore diameter in γ-AlO(OH) particles at the beginning of the peptization. It shows that the adsorbed H2O molecules on agglomerated γ-AlO(OH) particles were replaced by H3 O+ of added peptization agent and then γ-AlO(OH) particles were repulsed against each other. As the result, the macropores within γ-AlO(OH) particles disappeared. Here, the peptization phenomenon occurred since agglomerated particles binded hydrogen bonds and olation bonds have been broken their bonds by the added H3O+, there was happened to be peptization phenomenon. In summary, we concluded that microstructure of γ-Al2O3, particles was controlled by aging stage in sol preparation process and peptization was the process of finely suspended γγ-AlO(OH) sol preparation.
Keywords:Sol-Gel Method;Aging;Peptifation;Microstructure;γ-AlO(OH);O1ation;Partial Charge Model;γ-Al2O3 Particles
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