Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.9, No.5, 500-507, September, 2003
Effects of Acid Rain on Coatings for Exterior Wooden Panels
This study examined the effects of artificial acid rain on the color change, the gloss and the morphology of several kinds of coatings used for exterior wood construction panels. The lightness, redness, yellowness and color difference of the coated panels changed with the treatment of artificial acid rain. In particular, a much more pronounced degradation in water-bome natural paint was observed than in the other types of coating as the treatment time increased, due to acid hydrolysis of the water-borne paint. The color change in the coated panel might be associated with the presence of chromophores and auxochromes. The gloss of the semitransparent penetrating oil-base stains (light brown) and natural varnish significantly decreased with increasing artificial acid rain treatment. SEM images and CLSM images showed increasing degradation of the coated surface with increasing treatment time of artificial acid rain.
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