Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.14, No.8, 1127-1132, December, 2003
활성탄에 의한 상수원수중 NOM의 흡착특성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter by Activated Carbon from Drinking Water
낙동강 원수에 대해 응집공정 후의 잔류 NOM (natural organic matter)을 흡착공정을 이용하여 제거하였으며, NOM을 TOC (total organic carbon), SUVA (specific UV absorbance), 친-소수성, 분자량별 분포 및 THMFP (trihalomethane formation potential)의 특성 등에 따른 활성탄 흡착제거 특성에 관하여 검토하였다. 용존 유기물 제거의 경우, 응집 처리공정보다 활성탄 흡착공정이 효과적이었으며 유기물 특성에 따른 적용에 있어서 활성탄 흡착은 친수성 유기물보다 소수성 유기물의 제거에 효과적이었다. 또한 저분자 친수성 유기물을 제외한 분자량 1000 이상의 유기물이 대부분 제거되는 것을 볼 수 있었으며 THMFP의 제거의 경우 응집공정보다 활성탄 흡착공정이 높은 제거효율을 보여주었다.
In this study, the residual NOM of water treated by a coagulation process of Nak Dong river was eliminated by an activated carbon adsorption process and the characteristics of activated carbon adsorption process was investigated by using TOC, SUVA, hydrophilic-phobic, Distribution of molecular weight, and THMFP. In case of removing dissolved organic substance, the activated carbon adsorption process was more effective than the coagulation one. The activated carbon adsorption process was also more efficient to eliminate hydrophobic organic substances than hydrophilic. Except for hydrophilic organic substances with low molecular weight, it was found that most organic substances, molecular weight over 1000, could be eliminated. THMFP removing efficiency by the activated carbon adsorption process was more higher than the coagulation process.
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