HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.37, No.3, 459-464, June, 1999
p-Phenylene Diamine(p-PDA)을 이용한 고기능성 폴리이미드 박막의 water Sorption 거동
Water Sorption Behaviors in High Performance Polyimide Thin Films Based on p-Phenylene Diamine(p-PDA)
네 종류의 p-PDA를 이용한 폴리이미드 박막을 poly(amic acid)전구체로부터 열적 이미드화법을 이용하여 제조하였다: Poly(p-phenylene pyromellitimide)(PMDA-PDA), poly(p-phenylene biphenyltetracarboximide) (BPDA-PDA), poly(p-phenylene3,3'',4,4''-oxydiphthalimide)(ODPA- PDA), poly(p-phenylene 4,4''-hexafluoroisopropylidenediphthalimide) (6FDA-PDA). p-PDA를 이용한 폴리이미드 박막의 확산현상 및 water sorption거동을 자체 제작한 Thin Film Diffusion Analyzer를 이용하여 100% 상대습도, 25℃하에서 측정하였다. 박막의 확산현상 및 water sorption거동을 물 분자에 대한 화학적 친화성과 모폴로지 차이를 이용하여 해석하였다. 박막 내로의 수분확산 거동은 박막의 불균일성에도 불구하고 Fickian diffusion model에 잘 부합되었으며, 고분자 주쇄 구조에 따라 상이한 water sorption 거동을 보였다. 수분의 확산계수는 폴리이미드 구조에 마라 1.6×10-10cm2sec-1에서 10.5×10-10cm2sec-1의 값을 가졌으며, BPDA-PDA
Four different p-PDA based polyimides were prepared from their respective poly(amic acid)s through thermal imidization at 400 ℃ , Poly(p-phenylene pyromellitimide) (PMDA-PDA), poly(p-phenylene biphenyltetracarboximide) (BPDA-PDA), poly(p-phenylene 3,3'',4,4''- oxydiphthalimide) (ODPA-PDA) , and poly(p-phenylene 4,4''-hexafluoroisopropylidenediphtha1imide) (6FDA-PDA). Sorption and diffusion of water into films were gravimetrically measured at 100% relative humidity and 25℃ by using home-made Thin Film Diffusion Analyzer. Diffusion behaviors and sorption of water in thin films were interpretated in terms of chemical affinity to water and morphological structure. The sorption behaviors in thin films were well fitted by Fickian diffusion model regardless of their morphological heterogeneities. The diffusion coefficient of water in films varies in the range of 1.6×10-10cm2sec-1 to 10.5×10-10cm2sec-1, and is in the increasing order : BPDA-PDA
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