Macromolecular Research, Vol.12, No.5, 490-492, October, 2004
Low-Temperature Decomposition of Epoxy Resin
We report a new method using a heating medium for the thermal decomposition of epoxy resin (EP) at temperatures ranging from 50 to 200 ℃. EP decomposition also occurred below 50 ℃ during a 6-day period to generate bisphenol A (BPA) at concentrations as high as 5 ppm. When polyethylene glycol was used as a heating medium, we determined the kinetics of the EP decomposition at low temperature. We determined the apparent activation energy of the overall decomposition to be 40.8 kJ/mol and the frequency factor to be 2.3 X 103 by monitoring the rate of BPA formation. Thus, EP is clearly unstable upon the application of heat.
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