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Clean Technology, Vol.9, No.1, 43-48, March, 2003
규칙충전물을 적용한 화학흡수법에 의한 이산화탄소 제거에 관한 연구
A Study on CO2 Removal by Chemical Absorption Using Structured Packing
As a result of study on factor affecting absorption efficiency using the structured packing, Mellapak N. 250Y for the chemical absorption of CO2 that cause global warming due to development of industry, it is shown that Mellapak N. 250Y has lower pressure drop and superior efficiency of mass transfer than 25mm Pall ring. Also, in the absorption process, it produces high efficiency in the increase of load and concentration of absorption liquid and produces low efficiency in the increase of temperature. In the effect of overall mass transfer coefficient for 15% MEA on the temperature variation of absorbent, when absorbent temperature for 15% MEA varied as 25, 50, 80°C, overall mass transfer coefficients were shown as 0.83, 1.00, 0.90 kmol/m3-h-kPa.
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