Clean Technology, Vol.12, No.3, 165-170, September, 2006
Biomedia를 충전한 Biofilter에서 H2S와 NH3 혼합악취의 제거
Removal of Mixed Gases of H2S and NH3 by the Biofilter Packed with Biomedia
Polyurethane, PVA(polyvinyl alcohol)와 지렁이 분변토로 제작한 Biomedia를 충진한 바이오필터(biofilter)를 이용하여 H2S와 NH3의 혼합 악취를 제거하였다. NH3 농도를 50 ppmv로 고정시킨 후, H2S의 농도는 1~489 ppmv까지 증가시키며 제거효율을 살펴보았다. 또한 NH3의 농도를 점진적으로 증가시켜 80, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 ppmv 으로 설정하여 각각의 NH3농도가 고정된 조건에서는 H2S를 점차적으로 농도를 증가시켜주며 NH3 및 H2S 가스의 제거효율을 알아보았다. 혼합 악취가 공급되는 조건에서 NH3의 유입 부하량은 입구농도가 50~300 ppmv 까지는 부하량 11.14gNㆍm-3ㆍh-1이 증가함에 따라 제거용량도 비례하여 증가하였다. 입구농도가 300ppmv 이상으로 증가함에 따라 유입 부하량은 증가하는 반면, 제거효율과 제거용량은 감소되는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 복합악취가 공급되는 조건에서 H2S 최대 부하량은 40.27 gSㆍm-3ㆍh-1이하이며, NH3 부하량이 15.25gNㆍm-3ㆍh-1이하인 조건에서는 NH3의 공급에 의해 H2S의 제거효율은 큰 영향을 받지 않는 것으로 나타났다.
When ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfid (H2S) in binary mixture gases were supplied to a biofilter packed with biomedia made of polyurethane, PVA, and worm cast. No odor gases were detected on the outlet of the biofiter when NH3 and H2S were separately supplied to the biofilter at space velocity(SV) of 50 h-1 until inlet NH3 concentration was increased up to 300 ppmv and inlet H2S to 428 ppmv. While, inlet NH3 concentration maintained at 50 ppmv, inlet H2S concentration increased from 1 to 489 ppmv, and the removal efficiency of each gas was investigated. After that, NH3 concentration increased step by step such as 80, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppmv. H2S concentration increased gradually when NH3 concentration was set up at each condition. Under each condition, removal efficiency of NH3 and H2S gas was investigated by analysing the gases sampled from the inlet and outlet of the biofilter. When binary gases were supplied to the biofilter and inlet NH3 concentration was increased from 50 to 300 ppmv, elimination capacity of NH3 increase linearly as inlet loading increased to 11.14gNㆍm-3ㆍh-1. However, as inlet NH3 concentration increased over 300 ppmv, both removal efficiency and elimination capacity decreased while inlet loading increased. H2S removal efficiency was not affected seriously by the simultaneous supply of NH3 when maximum inlet loading of H2S was under 40.27 Sㆍm-3ㆍh-1 and maximum inlet loading of NH3 was under 15.25 Nㆍm-3ㆍh-1.
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