Color Research and Application, Vol.31, No.3, 218-228, 2006
Media-dependent color appearance modeling based on artificial neural networks
In this study, we tried to consider various color appearance factors and device characterization together by visual experiment to simplify the across-media color appearance reproduction. Two media, CRT display (soft-copy) and NCS color atlas (hard-copy), were used in our study. A total of 506 sample pairs of RGB and HVC, which are the attributes of NCS color chips, were obtained according to psychophysical experiments by matching soft copy and hard copy by a panel of nine observers. In addition, a set of error back-propagation neural networks was used to realize experimental data generalization. hi order to get a more perfect generalizing effect, the whole samples were divided into four parts according to different hues and the con version between HVC and R(HVC)G(HVC)B(HVC) color space was implemented. The current results show that the displays on the CRT and the color chips can match well. In this way, a CRT-dependent reproduction modeling based on neural networks was formed, which has strong practicability and can be applied in many aspects. (C) 2006 Wiley Periodicals. Inc.