Applied Energy, Vol.83, No.11, 1210-1221, 2006
Performance of an Atkinson cycle with heat transfer, friction and variable specific-heats of the working fluid
The performance of an air standard Atkinson cycle with heat-transfer loss, friction-like term loss and variable specific-heats of the working fluid is analyzed using finite-time thermodynamics. The relations between the power output and the compression ratio, between the thermal efficiency and the compression ratio, as well as the optimal relation between the power output and the efficiency of the cycle are derived by detailed numerical examples. Moreover, the effects of variable specificheats of the working fluid and the friction-like term loss on the irreversible cycle performance are analyzed. The results show that the effects of variable specific-heats of working fluid and friction-like term loss on the irreversible cycle performance should be considered in cycle analysis. The results obtained in this paper provide guidance for the design of Atkinson engines. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:finite-time thermodynamics;Atkinson cycles;heat resistance;friction;performance optimization;variable specific-heat