Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.13, No.5, 744-750, September, 2007
ADU Compound Particle Preparation for HTGR Nuclear Fuel in Korea
Due to the continuous increase in demand for energy, nuclear energy is under serious consideration. Also, in connection with international interest and efforts in reducing the CO2 emissions, it is the cleanest energy source concerning a climatic influence; thus, it has gained special attention worldwide. The HTGR (High-Temperature Gas Reactor) has been spot-lighted as a next-generation nuclear power plant for clean hydrogen gas and electricity production. TRISO (Trisotropic)-coated fuel from the spherical UO2 kernel via a UN solution is used for the HTGR nuclear fuel. The sol-gel method has been studied with an aim of producing UO2 kernel particles. In this study, a spherical droplet preparation with a simulated PVA [poly(vinyl alcohol)] solution before the main experiment with a nuclear material and ADU (ammonium diuranate) compound particles via a UN solution, an intermediate, were prepared by the sol-gel method (gel-supported precipitation method) with a vibrating system. The characteristics of the ADU compound particles were analyzed using Steroscope, FT-IR spectroscopy, TG/DTA, and XRD techniques.
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