Journal of Structural Biology, Vol.144, No.1-2, 209-218, 2003
Three-dimensional diffractive imaging for crystalline monolayers with one-dimensional compact support
The use of a compact support constraint along the beam direction is considered as a solution to the phase problem for diffraction by two-dimensional protein crystals. Specifically we apply the iterative Gerchberg-Saxton-Fienup algorithm to simulated three-dimensional transmission electron diffraction data from monolayer organic crystals. We find that oversampling along the reciprocal-lattice rods (relrods) normal to the monolayer alone does not solve the phase problem in this geometry in general. However, based on simulations for a crystalline protein monolayer (lysozyme), we find that convergence is obtained in three dimensions if phases are supplied from a few high resolution electron microscope images recorded at small tilts to the beam direction. In the absence of noise, amplitude-weighted phase residuals of around 5degrees, and a cross-correlation coefficient of 0.96 between the true and estimated potential are obtained if phases are included from images at tilts of up to 15degrees. The performance is almost as good in the presence of noise at a level that is comparable to that commonly observed in electron crystallography of proteins. The method should greatly reduce the time and labor needed for data acquisition and analysis in cryo-electron microscopy of organic thin crystals by avoiding the need to record images at high tilt angles. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.